Monday, October 20, 2014

Where do i fit in your kingdom?

dear God,

where do i fit in? Am I trying? or am i not trying hard enough? How hard do i have to go at this? I won't give up, but am i doing enough? 

These are the questions that pop up in my head every day. If not, thats where my motives come from. When is it my time to find a job? where do i look God? I don't feel like I fit in anywhere. will i ever get a job? Please don't let this time of searching get the better of me. Don't let it get in the way of finding you. I always come back after every interview, wondering if this is the one. But why isn't there just something that fits? God I'm not asking for the perfect job am i? I'm just trying to find where my interests and gifts you've given me can go. where where where where....