Monday, September 30, 2013


Have you ever had those moments where... you just crave to be in communion with God? To just sit there, not do anything and just be in the presence of God. I'm craving it. I don't know why. I don't know if its because schools started and i just feel like not doing work. To put down the books, bible study stuff, writing/blogging and all the stuff of DOING something. But just sit there in the presence of God. I think i'm lacking in that area to just sit with God. I feel like I'm always searching, searching, and searching. But I think i've come to a point of being tired of searching. And I'm not talking about that emptiness searching, but that searching where you are hoping that if you search hard enough God will give you an answer.

Friday, September 20, 2013

The Library Session

"But the rest of the week, the days I live in the glaring harshness of an abrasive world? Complete loss of central vision. Everywhere, a world pocked with scarcity.
I hunger for filling in a world that is starved.
But from that Garden beginning, God has had a different purpose for us. His intent, since He bent low and breathed His life into the dust of our lungs, since He kissed us into being, has never been to slyly orchestrate our ruin. And yet, I have found it, when I read it, and I have to come back to it many times, feel long across those words, make sure they are real. HIs love letter forever silences any doubts: 'His secret purpose framed from the beginning [is] to bring us to our full glory' (1 Corinthians 2:7). He means to rename us -to return us to our true names, our truest selves. He means to heal our soul holes. From the very beginning, that Eden beginning, that has always been and always is, to this day, His secret purpose -our return to our full glory. Apalling -that He would! Us, unworhty and yetsince we took a bite out of the fruit and toreinto our own souls, that drain hole where joy seeps away, God's had this wild secretive plan. He means to fill us with glory again. With glory and grace. " - C.S. Lewis

"Our responsibility is to love Him, study His word, deepen our relationship with Him, and learn to evaluate our choices in light of biblical wisdom. If we're doing these things, we can make our decisions in the confidence that we aren't somehow missing God's will. Will we fail sometimes and make mistakes? Of course we will. But the possibility of failure should never paralyze us."

Courage & Calling *Old unpublished post*

Reading a book called "Courage & Calling", I wish I could get further into... i only have a half a month left to read more than half of the book >< before I have to return it. But today, I really liked this part that I read. It's a bit long... so bare with me.

A Theological Vision For Good Work.

The huge assumption of our social context is that work is bad and leisure is good. Our only hope for a transformed vision for vocation, work and career, and for navigating the transitions of life, is to engage our world with a theological vision for good work- to redeem the very idea of work.